Displaying 171 - 180 of 628

Guide to Developing a Quality assurance and Improvement Strategy for Peer Education & Outreach Programs for Key Populations

Practical guide that describes how formal networks within the development context can be set up, managed and used in an efficient and effective way; Effective networking is a power mechanism for sustainable development. The sharing of information and knowledge can catalyze the forging of relationships and commitments among public and private stakeholders. Networks not only bring different interest groups together but also kick-start the interface between knowledge and action. This practical guide describes how formal networks within the development context can be set up, managed and used in an efficient and effective way. It focuses on the structural and operational issues of networks and explains what important aspects make them work.

CAP Mozambique Success Story_Nweti

Guide describes how evaluations should be used to test the theories and assumptions on which capacity-development programs are based, to document their results and to draw lessons for improving future programs.

This Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality of M&E training currently provided in a country. Useful for governments, donors, and training organizations.; Marie-Helene Adrien

Resource provides tips for facilitating participatory workshops; International HIV/AIDS Alliance