Displaying 511 - 520 of 628

Toolkit describes tools you need to begin writing a proposal.

Document aims is to help civil society organizations build their capacity through better writing.

This AED publication focuses on proven methods for engaging youth in conflict-affected countries in a variety of effective programs that foster their development as well as their peacebuilding skills.

A resource for giving staff and partners of PVO/NGO programs the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for carrying out qualitative research for program management purposes.

Paper presents a conceptual framework for a participatory approach to evaluate the effectiveness of international networks; Nuñez, Martha; Wilson-Grau, Ricardo; 2003

Toolkit provides a selection of 100 participatory learning and action tools to enable communities and organizations to learn about HIV/AIDS together in their community, develop a plan, act on it and evaluate its effectiveness.

Sample form that employees fill out each month to account for their work hours - ENGLISH.

Paper deals with youth in war-to-peace transitions and the response of international organizations to them. It further assesses the difficulties in conceptualizing the role of youth in peace-building processes on the one hand and the concrete efforts of international organizations to integrate them into their policies and programs on the other.

USAID TIPS paper describes direct observation techniques, their advantages and disadvantages and when to use them.

USAID TIPS paper describes rapid appraisal methods, their strengths and limitations and when to use them.