Displaying 371 - 380 of 628

Approaches and tools for supporting institutional development; European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM); Draft Booklet

Workbook with worksheets to support collaboration between NGOs and businesses.; This workbook, its companion videotape, and the Drucker Foundation Web site are designed to complement James Austin's The Collaboration Challenge. Together these resources can help your nonprofit organization further its mission through strategic alliances with businesses. These resources can be used, alone or in combination, to encourage your board, volunteers, and staff to consider carefully whether and how to develop alliances with businesses. Here are brief overviews of these resources.The Collaboration Challenge: James Austin's book provides extensive case studies, frameworks, and lessons. It is the primary source for the Drucker Foundation's Meeting the Collaboration Challenge resources. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook: This workbook provides a step-by-step process for nonprofits to explore and develop alliances with businesses. It is useful both for organizations with limited alliance experience and for organizations that have established alliances. Nonprofit leaders can choose which phases and worksheets are most helpful to their own situation. Additional resources can help leaders explore the topics most important to their work. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Video: The videotape is a powerful tool that introduces examples of nonprofit business alliances and demonstrates how the ideas presented in the book and workbook are expressed in action. The video illustrates alliances' benefits and challenges as nonprofit and business leaders explain how their partnerships have developed and evolved. Drucker Foundation Web Site: The Web site provides this workbook in a downloadable format and presents additional current resources for meeting the collaboration challenge, including information about related workshops, and how to subscribe to the monthly Meeting the Collaboration Challenge email notice.

Handout contains table that compares commonly used terms from different donor agencies and development organizations. The table is designed to help grantees translate language into a set of terms preferred by particular donors.

Guide is training manual about Rapid Assessment Procedures and teaches trainees how to facilitate participatory planning, problem solving and taking action with refugees/IDPs.

Presentation outlines why engaging and listening to the beneficiary community is important and how to develop and implement a participatory M&E strategy - ENGLISH.

Sample sheet to track a project’s inventory - ENGLISH.

Este capítulo describe los pasos claves para completar la adjudicación financiada por la USAID, inclusive la encuesta previa a la adjudicación, la designación de personal clave, la comprensión de un acuerdo de cooperación y la determinación de subbeneficiarios.