Displaying 471 - 480 of 628

UNDP issued paper that explains the importance and use of indicators in reviewing and managing a program.

USAID document that defines performance indicators and offers advice for selecting appropriate and useful ones.

How to write a memo justifying the selection of supplies or services to be subcontracted, includes template.

Document clarifies the meaning of the right to water, presents approaches on how right to water can be implemented in developing and developed countries, and identifies key factors for effective implementation of the right to water.

Guide to Gender Integration and Analysis from the Gender Plenary from the New Partners Initiative (NPI) Round 3 State-of-the-Art meeting.

Sample Job Description covering the main functions, duties and responsibilities, supervisor, and qualifications needed.

Handout is sample marking plan for a USAID Cooperative Agreement, describing how an organization will incorporate a branding strategy to promote USAID and the program.

Documents is sample marking plan that complies with USAID regulations.

NPI Round 3 Launch Binder Handout for Breakout Session on Cost Share- sample of cost share guidelines developed by AED