Displaying 451 - 460 of 628

Provides a guide to the responsibilities of the employer, organization and the employee. It is a basic document guiding employer-employee relations, to be used in conjunction with specific job descriptions, individual contracts and other written documents and policies.

AED's Employee Appraisal Report, which establishes an employee's job responsibilities, clarifies employer's expectations, opens a dialogue between employee and employer, and sets certain specific actions to appraise an employee's performance.

Sample Employee Agreement covering salary and human resource issues (such as annual/sick leave, allowances, etc.).

Handout is a sample delegated authority outline, including areas of authority, monetary limits of authority and the designated person.

Handout is a sample matrix to compare quotes from different vendors for the procurement of goods and services.

Sample form that employees fill out each month to allocate work hours to different funders - ENGLISH.

Civicus toolkit on how organizaitons can promote themselves; Karen Hurt; Toolkit