Displaying 601 - 610 of 628

This is a sample letter to request a no-cost administrative extension for a project

This is a sample of organizational recruitment/hiring policies and procedures to ensure that a fair and consistent process is followed for hiring employees.

This provides a sampling of questions that would be asked during an employee's exit interview.

These are tools developed to provide assistance with Program Management.

The goal of this assessment is to assist orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs in assessing the critical elements for effective program implementation, and identifying those elements that need strengthening or further development.

The goal of this assessment is to assist Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs in assessing the critical elements for effective program implementation, and identifying those elements that need strengthening or further development.

Health Journeys & Human Challenges in Referral Networks Plenary Presentation from the NPI Round 3 SOTA

This is template letter for staff termination due to project close

This document provides a sample of a job/activity description for a volunteer.

This document provides a sample of a Marking and Branding Policy which serves to outline the marking and breading strategy for a project.