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This chapter will cover the USG requirements for final reporting, regulations concerning theuse of assets purchased with USG funds after the award is over, and the documentation you are required to maintain after the award.

Основное руководство для НПО по управлению выигранным проектом USAID создано для того,чтобы помочь НПО более эффективно управлять средствами, полученными от Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID).

Основное руководство для НПО по управлению выигранным проектом USAID Chapter 1 Введение

Chapitre 2 : ce chapitre aborde les étapes clés de la finalisation de votre subvention de l’USAID, notamment la revue des finances, la désignation du personnel clé, la compréhension d’un Accord de coopération et la détermination des sous-bénéficiaires.

This chapter, details tasks and regulations involved in administrative management (disbursing USG funds, complying with procurement and developing a travel policy) and technical program management (monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management).

This chapter contains information and a set of assessment activities that can help anorganization inventory and better understand its policies and managerial, financial, and administrative systems.

This chapter introduces tasks to be completed between finalizing your USG award and starting project implementation.

This is fact sheet published by PEPFAR on addressing gender in HIV/AIDS programming, published in March 2012. The fact sheet provides information on the role of PEPFAR-sponsored programs in fostering gender equality, combating gender-based violence and increasing prevention of mother-to-child transmission, as well as highlights PEPFAR Gender Initiatives and tools and resources to integrate gender into programming.

An article published in Public Library of Science (PLoS)- Medicine by Edward J. Mills, Chris Beyrer, Josephine Birungi, and Mark R. Dybul on engaging men in HIV/AIDS prevention & treatment campaigns.