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Document includes OCA, TOCAs and CLOCA.

Form to describe program's targets and indicators, plan for data acquisition, plan for quality control and plan for data analysis when performing monitoring and evaluation.

Manual to support peacebuilding and reconciliation; The manual aims to provide Caritas Internationales workers, and other NGO workers, with flexible training suggestions and materials to support and enhance their efforts in peacebuilding and reconciliation. It is designed for both trainers and novices. More specifically, the manual goals are to: Provide ideas and resources for effective peacebuilding trainers; Provide interactive materials that cover the basic conceptual dimensions of peacebuilding; Provide training modules that identify and enhance skills needed for peacebuilding and reconciliation work; Provide trainers with flexible options that allow them to tailor training to fit participants' needs and their local context.

Manual is a practical tool for PVO staff, their NGO and government partners to use in evaluating development projects and programs.

Document describes what participatory monitoring and evaluation, why it is important and how to apply it.

PowerPoint describes a participatory monitoring and evaluation system, its importance and the steps in the process - ENGLISH.

Includes: - Care and Support (C&S) - HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) Services - Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Services - Preventing Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV - Sexual and Other Behavioral Risk Prevention

Annex 2 contains an alphabetical list of relevant terms and acronyms for the NPI Guide.

The New Partners Initiative Guide to Managing U.S. Government-Funded HIV/AIDS Programs is one of the technical assistance tools provided to the New Partners Initiative grantees to help them effectively manage PEPFAR funds.