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O Guia é um recurso informativo para reforçar os esforços de capacitação e de fornecimento de informação importante para ajudar as organizações a compreender e a cumprir as regras e regulamentações da USAID.

La Guía es un recurso informativo para intensificar los esfuerzos de fortalecimiento de la capacidad de una ONG y proporciona información clave para ayudar a que las organizaciones comprendan y cumplan con las normas y las regulaciones de la USAID.

Organizational Effectiveness Series; This manual gives learners new insight and specific tools to lead their organizations more effectively and develop better relations with employees and partners.Unit 1: Overview of Leadership Unit 2: Leadership Is Influence Unit 3: Personal Styles Unit 4: Styles Flexibility Unit 5: Leadership Styles Unit 6: Creating Empowering Climates Unit 7: Creating a Vision

Report on ECD Project, which seeks to contribute to the effectiveness of capacity development efforts in research and development organizations through the use of evaluation.

Document aims to help Save the Children program staff to understand the main concepts behind M&E and how thesecan be applied to HIV/AIDS-related projects.

Les Alliances Public/Prive Transforment l'Aide Internationale

Document describes Standard Form-269 on financial reporting and explains how to fill it out - ENGLISH.

A guide for non-governmental organizations and citizens' initiatives.; Academy for Educational Development; 2004