Displaying 291 - 300 of 628

Paper looks at how to create a framework to evaluate Public-Sector Networks through three levels of analysis.

Unpublished paper describes the double discrimination based on gender and disability that pervades the lives of women and girls with disabilities in all areas and particularly in education.

Study by McKinsey & Company on Capacity-Building, including case studies, lessons learned, and an assessment tool.; McKinsey & Company; 2001; Study and Assessment Tool

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Employment Exit Checklist for Outgoing Employees

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on Employment Termination Checklist for Organizations

NPI Close Out Meeting Session Three Handout on End of Funding Coverage

Document describes the key functions that international social change networks perform as well as the challenges in assessing the abilities of a network.

General overview of monitoring and evaluating capacity development; Douglas Horton, Anastasia Alexaki, Samual Bennett-Lartey, Kim Noele Brice, Dindo Campilan, Fred Carden, Jose de Souza Silva, Le Thanh Duong, Ibrahim Khadar, Albina Maestrey Boza, Imrul Kayes Muniruzzaman, Jocelyn Perez, Matilde Somarriba Chang, Ronnie Vern

Report describes the concepts and methods used to evaluate a regional capacity-development project in Latin America.