Displaying 441 - 450 of 628

Civicus toolkit on how organizations can produce their own media; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

USAID document provides tips on establishing quality baselines and setting targets to successful manage foreign assistance programs.

USAID document provides guidance for evaluators on the structure, content and style of evaluation reports; offers USAID officials, who commission evaluations, ideas on how to define the main deliverable; and provides USAID officials with guidance on reviewing and approving evaluation reports.

USAID document describes what key informant interviews are and when and how to conduct them.

USAID document provides guidance on using a mixed-methods approach for evaluation research, including how to select among methods and examples of techniques for analyzing data collected using different methods.

USAID document describes direct observation techniques, their advantages and disadvantages and when to use them.

Le volume intitulé Plaidoyer: Développement d’aptitudes pour les dirigeants d’ONG est le neuvième volume de la série des manuels de formation du CEDPA. Ce manuel est basé sur l’expérience qu’a acquise le CEDPA en développant les aptitudes dont ont besoin les dirigeants d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) pour promouvoir le changement dans le domaine de la santé reproductive. C’est une division du CEDPA, l’équipe de renforcement des capacités (Capacity Building Team), qui l’a mis au point, avec le soutien du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (FNUAP). S’appuyant sur une méthode de formation participative, ce manuel présente les principes de base du plaidoyer sous la forme d’un atelier de trois jours.

Policy Manual outlining financial issues, such as how to control costs, regulate fundraising, set up accounting procedures, conduct audits, etc.

Handout is sample timesheet, which employees use to record and document the hours they worked.