Displaying 341 - 350 of 628

Document explores different approaches to the development of the private sector's role in the policy formulation, selection andimplementation process.

Este capítulo inclui uma visão geral dos passos envolvidos no planeamento estratégico.

Este capítulo fornece informação de como procurar oportunidades de financiamento, inscrição para financiamento e programas de desenvolvimento.

Civicus toolkit on handling media; Karen Hurt; Toolkit

Guide sets standards for laws permitting, protecting and regulating civic organizations that choose to obtain legal personality and enables concerned individuals to evaluate an existing law governing civic organizations or to draft a better one.

Describes guidelines that are used by independent auditors in performing recipient-contracted audits required by USAID agreements with non-U.S. recipient organizations. These organizations are referred to as ""recipients"" or ""foreign recipients"" throughout the Guidelines. ""Agreements"" or ""awards"" are defined as USAID-funded grants, contracts, cooperative agreements and loans. The guidelines also provide recipients with help in selecting independent auditors to perform the audits.

Document provides information to policy makers, managers, and their working groups on how to conduct an “objective” and systematic process for collecting and analyzing data about key health reform stakeholders.

Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality-strengths and weaknesses-of M&E training, which should be useful to governments, their donor partners and training organizations.

Un document d’information à l’intention des individus et des organismes qui veulent créer, renforcer ou maintenir un réseau de lutte contre le sida.; Rédaction : Bruce Waring, coordonnateur de la Coalition interagence sida et développement (CISD), avec la collaboration de Yolanta Cwik et de Richard Burzynski; 2002