SCS Global Media Projects Support Journalists to Report on COVID-19 and Combat Misinformation
FHI 360

SCS Kyrgyz Republic is mobilizing several newsrooms to support grantee in combatting fake news and disinformation and monitoring publications and articles that require special attention from groups like media lawyers, fact checkers, and the Internews website team.

SCS Cambodia is disseminating approved COVID-19 messaging materials (posters and pamphlets that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) co-funded with United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization) to citizen journalists, professional journalists, and provincial radio stations.

SCS Myanmar organized an online talk show about the COVID-19 pandemic to provide journalists with accurate and trusted information from reliable sources. The talk show featured three experts and covered updates of COVID-19 in Myanmar, the Government’s response, information about transmission and prevention, and coverage on social media—including disinformation and misinformation.