SCS Global Launches CVE Reference Guide
FHI 360


Over the past two years, SCS Global has been hard at work creating a resource for CSOs implementing programs to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE). In July, SCS Global launched the CVE Reference Guide for Local Organizations, an online guide that synthesizes and shares materials about the P/CVE project cycle.



The SCS Global team behind this guide spent months conducting research to ensure the resource is relevant and useful for local organizations. SCS launched an online survey, conducted interviews with local CSOs, and held conversations with P/CVE practitioners to gather information on current work, existing tools, and knowledge gaps.



The guide breaks down the program cycle into five phases—Assess, Design, Implement, Monitor & Evaluate, and Learn. Each module highlights practical frameworks for use by local CSOs and recommends links to additional guides or tools.



While providing resources and tools on phases of the program cycle, the guide also supplies information to support CSO programming in cross-cutting areas: including youth, conflict sensitivity, gender equality and social inclusion, and stakeholder engagement. Finally, the resource library allows users to easily search and filter through the 350+ recommended resources to find those that best fit their current needs.



This tool was created with funding from USAID’s Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance and Africa Bureau. SCS Global intends to continue updating the guide as new tools and resources emerge. Arabic and French translations of the materials are also planned.